Annotated Bibliography of Noteworthy Scholarship on the Bahá'í Faith
The Baha'i Encyclopedia Project has the goal of producing a reliable, comprehensive, current, and easy-to-use encyclopedic reference work covering a wide range of Baha'i subjects.
An offical portal site for the Baha'i religion, with links to substantial resources.
Links to various Baha'i related materials, maintained by Juan Cole.
The Baha'i World Web site represents the official presence of the Baha'i Faith on the World Wide Web. It is sponsored by the Office of Public Information of the Baha'i International Community.
Occasional Papers in Shaykhi, Babi and Baha'i Studies is a Digital Publication Series of H-Bahai.
A substantial number of texts & commentaries. Maintained by Juan R. I. Cole
The Journal of Buddhist Ethics is the first academic journal dedicated entirely to Buddhist ethics. We promote the study of Buddhist ethics through the publication of research and book reviews and by hosting occasional online conferences.
The Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies (JCBS) is a scholarly journal dedicated to the historical study of Chinese Buddhism in the premodern and modern periods. It seeks to promote the academic study, and teaching, of all aspects of Buddhist thought, practice, social, and institutional life in China, including historical interactions with Buddhist developments in South, East, and Central Asia. The JCBS publishes annually, and meets in conjunction with the American Academy of Religion.
The Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies (JIATS) is an online, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal. JIATS is an official publication of the International Association of Tibetan Studies (IATS), which convenes the world’s major conference for Tibetan Studies.
This is the entrance page to the BDK English translations in the SAT website. In the following pages, you can not only browse the English translations but also consult the original Chinese texts and Digital Dictionary of Buddhism, along with a range of other resources.
ACIP conducts preservation projects in libraries, monasteries, and institutes throughout Asia. We are committed to creating a searchable digital database that provides scholars, academic institutions, and practitioners access to a virtual library of authentic sacred and classical texts.
A comprehensive, open, online bibliography for the field of Buddhist studies, managed by H-Buddhism, the online network of scholars of Buddhism.
Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association (CBETA), supported and funded by Yin Shun Foundation of North America, Bodhi Foundation and Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies (currently Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts) , was founded on 15th Febuary 1998. Aiming to provide a digitalised Buddhist electronic text database freely available for greater pro bono purposes.
The LTWA was set up in 1970 and registered under the law of the host country and started functioning with meagre resources. Over the years it has made steady headway in a variety of developmental works firmly establishing its credibility. Today, the LTWA is one of the premier institutes in the world specialising in Buddhist and Tibetan studies, providing a comprehensive resources and
attracting increasing number of scholars, researchers, students and visitors from across the globe.
Full text from 1950 (5 year embargo)
Full text 2010 to present
Full text May 2014 to present.
Full text 1984-2011, with links to subsequent volumes on other sites.
Full text 1982-2015
An excellent alphabetized list of online journals related to missions.
A general search for open access articles on "world" or "global" Christianity.
A general search for open access articles on "world" or "global" Christianity. Library
"The largest online digital library on applied ethics and theology for free."
GlobeTheoLib (Global Digital Library on Theology & Ecumenism)
"The Global Digital Library on Theology and Ecumenism (GlobeTheoLib) is a multilingual online library offering access free of charge to full-text articles, journals, books and other resources on theology, intercultural and interreligious dialogue, ethics, and ecumenism in World Christianity. Participants also have the possibility to contribute their own documents to the library."
"A comprehensive demographic study of more than 200 countries finds that there are 2.18 billion Christians of all ages around the world, representing nearly a third of the estimated 2010 global population of 6.9 billion."
The Ricci 21st Century Roundtable on the History of Christianity in China contains biographies, bibliographic information and guides to library and archives with holdings relating to Chinese Christianity.
Conference papers, books, videos, photos and other material related to the 100th anniversary of the World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh (the start of the ecumenical movement).
The Catholic Research Resources Portal, or "Catholic Portal," provides global, freely available access to rare, unique and/or uncommon materials in libraries, seminaries, special collections and archives.
This project from Villanova University plans to make available digital content of Catholic materials including books, journals, papers, and manuscripts dealing with the Roman Catholic church in general, and in particular works created or published in the Americas. This collection is particularly helpful for the study of Catholicism in America.
The Post-Reformation Digital Library (PRDL) is a select database of digital books relating to the development of theology and philosophy during the Reformation and Post-Reformation/Early Modern Era (late 15th-18th c.). Late medieval and patristic works printed and referenced in the early modern era are also included. The PRDL is a project of the Junius Institute for Digital Reformation Research.
Duke Divinity School's Center for Studies in the Wesleyan Tradition: The 'Research Resources' and 'Primary Text Collections' provide an excellent entry-point for Wesleyan studies.
Maintained at Northwest Nazarene College. Includes electronic versions of many works by John Wesley and other Holiness Tradition authors.
This site offers a wealth of information about the social, political, and historical context in which Jesus and the early Christians lived. Maintained by Mahlon Smith at Rutgers University.
"The most complete collection of documents from the first two centuries with translations and commentary. Includes the New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, and Church Fathers."
The Christian Classics Ethereal Library is a digital library of hundreds of classic Christian books selected for edification and education.
Tyndale Seminary maintained a series of online "reading rooms" stocked with links and resources for diverse topics, including biblical studies, "missional church resources", spiritual formation, theology, Christian ethics, and the history of Christianity. The content is no longer being updated.
The mission of the DACB continues to be “to collect, preserve, and make freely accessible biographical accounts and church histories – from oral and written sources – integral to a scholarly understanding of African Christianity.”
The BDCC is an electronic database containing the essential biographical facts of Chinese and foreign Christian missionaries, church leaders, evangelists, and laity chiefly responsible for laying the foundations and advancing the growth of Chinese Christian communities and their influence in societies around the world. While the database is widely inclusive of time periods and faith traditions, the distinctive focus of the project is on the lesser-known Chinese Christians of the modern era (1800 to 1950).
This database is a research tool for investigating the connections between international human rights and Catholic social teaching. It searches theological and legal documents simultaneously, returning results in such a way that users are able to compare these bodies of thought side by side. While the main focus is comparative research, the database also serves as an unparalleled resource for those interested more generally in documents from one or the other domain.
"This English-language archive catalogues primary sources about Korean Christianity and its global connections, especially Protestant documents and photography in early modern and colonial Korea."
Article by Jeffrey Riegel
Translator unknown
"Electronic versions of Chinese philosophical texts created by the Confucian Etext Project; versions of Chinese philosophical texts from other sources, to some of which we have made minor improvements; and Information on and links to more information on the preparation and use of these texts."
"Welcome. This site contains Chinese classics with each character hyperlinked to its definition and etymology. No Chinese software is necessary - characters are displayed as images. Links to English translations are included for most works."
Various resources and lectures, including translations of the Analects in multiple languages.
Confucianism and Traditional Chinese Beliefs (Internet Sacred Text Archive)
Explore the lives of men and women in the Muslim world – from the sixteenth century to now – through their autobiographical and travel writings. The authors range from scholars, saints and socio-religious reformers to princes, bureaucrats, nationalists, educators, writers and actors. The archive has a special focus on travel writing by Muslim women. A a companion website to the book Veiled Voyagers: Travel Writing by Muslim Women (Indiana University Press, forthcoming).
Alphabetical list of Open Access Islamic Manuscripts Collections (AMIR)
"Archnet is a globally-accessible, intellectual resource focused on architecture, urbanism, environmental and landscape design, visual culture, and conservation issues related to the Muslim world. Archnet’s mission is to provide ready access to unique visual and textual material to facilitate teaching, scholarship, and professional work of high quality. Officially launched in 2002 as a partnership between the Aga Khan Trust for Culture and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Archnet has since evolved into the largest open, online architectural library with a focus on Muslim cultures." is created and maintained by the Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project (DILP). The organization's objectives are to digitize and present on the internet quality Islamic resources, related to the history, law, practice, and society of the Islamic religion and the Muslim peoples, with particular emphasis on Twelver Shia Islamic school of thought.
"The Bridge Initiative is a multi-year research project on Islamophobia housed in Georgetown University. The Bridge Initiative aims to disseminate original and accessible research, offers engaging analysis and commentary on contemporary issues, and hosts a wide repository of educational resources to inform the general public about Islamophobia."
This website is a platform for bringing together and putting forward the different elements of Critical Muslim Studies as a field of thought and study. Critical Muslim Studies is not confined to a single discipline, or scholarly work, or methodological approach. It is an epistemological orientation that starts from the idea that the hierarchy between the west and the non-west is no longer assured. Among its themes, it includes a critique of Eurocentrism and positivism and an engagement with decolonial and postcolonial thinking.
"This Islamic Studies website covers the areas of Islam, Arabic, and Religion (focusing on Western religions). It is particularly intended to be of use for students and teachers at all levels, as well for members of the general public who wish to get a non-polemical view of Islam (including Sunni Islam, Shi'ism, and Sufism) and to a lesser extent of Judaism and Christianity." Maintained by Alan Godlas of the University of Georgia
The Islamic Medical and Scientific Ethics (IMSE) collection comprises a wide range of resources that cover the broad spectrum of Islamic literature on biomedical ethics. The collection reflects the growing body of literature on the theme of Islamic bioethics, which covers both medical ethics in the traditional sense and also ethics in the life sciences in general. The scope of the collections includes both historical sources and also modern and contemporary sources which focus on both Islamic normative thought on the relevant issues, and also modern studies that focus on the application of bioethical standards for Muslim populations.
"A digital collection of Islamic manuscripts, published texts, and maps from across Harvard's libraries and museums."
The Islamic Painted Page is a free database of Persian, Ottoman, Arab and Mughal paintings, illuminations,
decorated Qur'an pages, and book bindings from over 310 collections worldwide.
The Manuscripts of the Muslim World is an attempt to digitize ‘hidden’ Islamicate manuscripts at Columbia University, the Free Library of Philadelphia, and the University of Pennsylvania.
Canadian Institute for Jewish Research Databank - primarily index to newspaper articles - provides full text of the newspaper article - in advanced search can limit to specific publication and to author and date.
Compact Memory - open access to over 100 German Jewish periodicals published between 1806-1938
Historical Jewish Press - digital versions of 53 titles including Palestine Press, Davar and Bulletin de l'Alliance Israelite Universal
Center for Online Judaic Studies (COJS)
The COJS compiles "the sources which make up the story of the Jewish people. The material encompasses primary sources, newspaper articles, artifacts, images, maps, videos, bibliographies, secondary sources and websites."
Compiled by Paul Halsall at Fordham University. This 'sourcebook' compiles links and resources suitable for classroom use from the Internet Ancient History Sourcebook, Internet Medieval Sourcebook, and Internet Modern History Sourcebook
A continually updated resource compiled by Jay C. Treat. "This page lists a number of sites on the Internet that are useful for the study of Judaism and Christianity. The list is necessarily partial, provisional, and even parochial. A casual glance will show how Penn-centered it is."
Rabbi Jacob Richman has compiled a collection of sites related to Judaism. The collection is organized by categories from "Art" to "Yiddish".
A continually updated version of The Jewish Guide to the Internet by Diane Romm, this guide provides a well-organized and annotated collection of links.
Resources compiled in several categories: Archives; Cemeteries; General (history, culture, heritage); Maps & Mapping; Museums; Photographic Images; Postcard Collections; Videos & Video Channels. Check individual country pages for region-specific resources.
" The Jewish Virtual Library (JVL) is the most comprehensive online encyclopedia of Jewish history, politics and culture. With nearly 25,000 entries, the JVL is a one-stop shop for students of all ages interested in anything from anti-Semitism to Zionism."
This site is devoted to the study of Second Temple Synagogues—that is, synagogues which existed prior to the Jerusalem Temple's destruction in year 70 of the Common Era. Presently, the site has an Image Gallery of Second Temple synagogue remains and inscriptions (over a hundred images), a page devoted to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Second Temple Synagogues, a Literary Archive with quotations about the early synagogues from ancient sources, and a resource library containing more than a thousand links to both primary and secondary sources for the study of Judaism and Christianity in the Hellenistic and Roman periods.
"Yiddish Sources is a portal for anyone who is interested in Yiddish and Yiddish Studies. . . . Yiddish Sources is maintained by Gerben Zaagsma. The information on this website is arranged in three main sections: events, reference and research."
"4 Enoch offers a comprehensive introduction to scholarly research in Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins. . . . It includes biographies of scholars, as well as abstracts of scholarly works. . . from the early 16th century to the present. The Encyclopedia also includes fictional material (art, literature, music, cinema)."
Explores the history of words in the Hebrew Language through the textual analysis of biblical and later compositions. Interface in Hebrew, but English tutorials are available.
"The Holocaust Encyclopedia provides students, educators, leaders, and policymakers with readily available resources that help them challenge assumptions and develop critical thinking. It includes 850 articles in English."
Indexed contents of the 1st ed. of the Jewish Encyclopedia. Published 1901-1906, it does not cover modern Jewish history, but articles are still extremely helpful for topics from the 19th century and earlier.
"...a collaborative database of distinctive words that are used in the speech or writing of English-speaking Jews. Think of it as the Wikipedia or Urban Dictionary of Jewish language."
Provides and introduction to Jewish languages and linguistics, along with related curricular materials and bibliographic resources.
"This encyclopedia seeks to make available to all who are interested in Jewish history and culture the varied accomplishments of Jewish women and their many contributions to the Jewish historical experience over the course of the past three millennia."
A collection of articles and links regarding "New Religious Movements" maintained by the Hartford Institute for Religion Research
"118 Online papers, articles and books about Cults, New Religious Movements, and the Social Scientific Study of Religion" (maintained by Rob Nanninga at Skepsis)
"CESNUR, the Center for Studies on New Religions, is an international network of associations of scholars working in the field of new religious movements. CESNUR is independent from any religious group, Church, denomination or association." Contains a thematic index to various articles on new religious movments and religions as well as case studies on religion and movements. (English and Italian articles)
Bibliographic essay by Stephen Bales originally appeared in the September 2013 issue of Choice (volume 51 | number 1).
Archived April 2006: "On this extensive Web site you will find detailed profiles of more than two hundred different religious groups and movements. Some of them may be very familiar to you, others not. In addition, there are other valuable resources, including information on "cult" controversies, essays by respected scholars, and teaching resources on which interested visitors are invited to draw."
"The online Encyclopedia of Shinto is the English translation of the Shinto jiten edited by the Institute for Japanese Culture and Classics and published by Kobundo in 1994 (the text as translated here reflects certain emendations to the original Japanese version). Links to video images, illustrations, photographs and sound files have been added anew."
This English edition of the chronology is based on the one that appeared in the revised version of the Encyclopedia of Shinto (EOS).
"Provides explanations of Shinto for beginners. By clicking on the pictures beginners can access information on Shinto."
This section has scriptures of the Shinto religion, as well as other texts that relate to the spirituality of Japan, which combines Shinto, Buddhism, Confucianism, Animism and other themes. There is also a collection of Ainu Texts.
A directory of open access journals on topics of religion, and theology.
Over 25 works of Chinese art "from the Warring States period to the Qing dynasty [that] demonstrate the development of Taoism and Taoist art." Accompanying text explores themes of tradition (Laozi, cosmology), church (priests, rituals), and renaissance (goddesses, Zhenwu, Inner Alchemy, landscape). Includes diagrams of the Chinese zodiac, Taji, and Trigrams; a map of China; a timeline; classroom lesson plans; a glossary; a list of related books; and links. From the Art Institute of Chicago.
"Welcome. This site contains Chinese classics with each character hyperlinked to its definition and etymology. No Chinese software is necessary - characters are displayed as images. Links to English translations are included for most works."
An article by Chad Hansen in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
"Electronic versions of Chinese philosophical texts created by the Confucian Etext Project; versions of Chinese philosophical texts from other sources, to some of which we have made minor improvements; and Information on and links to more information on the preparation and use of these texts."
"Overview of Taoism, its history, and its central tenets. Includes a consideration of the relations between Taoism and T'ai Chi ch'uan."
"The Daoist Iconography Project, is a joint venture of the Department of Religion in the University of Hawaii at Manoa and the Honolulu Academy of Arts. A unique enterprise involving the collaboration of scholars in both the West and Asia, the project will provide a remarkable new tool for understanding the workings of Daoist thought and practice through the rich iconography of the deities of the tradition."
Long article in a good, scholarly online encyclopedia
By Russell Kirkland, a scholar from the University of Georgia
A large collection of introductory information on Zoroastrianism.
"We provide the complete text of the extant Avesta, the most ancient scriptures of Zoroastrianism, as well as many Pahlavi scriptures. It also includes information about the Avestan language, and other useful information for students of Zoroastrian religion. Most of the texts in these archives are extremely rare."
"FEZANA serves as the coordinating body for 23 Zoroastrian Associations in the United States and Canada."
Represents a “traditional” stream of the Zoroastrian faith; home of Zoroastrian Matrimonial Page.
Represents a “liberal” stream of the Zoroastrian faith; site provides information in Persian and English. This site offers various essays and other materials on Zoroastrianism.
Primary sources are records from the past, recorded by people who were present at the time such as letters, diaries, government documents, photographs, oral histories, artifacts.