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College of Business and Accountancy: Theses & Dissertations

Online resources for College of Business and Accountancy

What is Open Access?

Open access (OA) refers to digital content that is available free of charge for everyone. Originally associated only with scholarly journals that published free online, the concept has been extended to other types of content such as eBooks and media. In some cases OA content may also be free of most copyright and licensing restrictions.

Free software: Citation Management

Here are some free software to make citation convenient. Bibliographies and reference lists can be automatically generated. Click on the links to their website to download and learn more.

Zotero logo

Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share research.

Mendeley logo

Mendeley can generate references, citations and bibliographies in a whole range of journal styles with just a few clicks.Add papers directly from your browser with a few clicks or import any documents from your desktop. Access your library from anywhere. Windows, Mac, Linux and all browsers.

Open Access Theses & Dissertations Websites

Open Access Databases